Lunes, Disyembre 26, 2011

year-end episode

i found myself sitting in one corner, trying to remember the days that have passed and the things that have occurred in the past year. i'm trying to recall the twists and turns of my young life and how will it affect or help my next few days and months.

I am crazy to have thought of the following to summarize what went through my bitter-sweet year. :p

2011's 10 hot stuff and news makers:

1. emotional and epic rift with a best friend
2. blessing in disguise break-up
3. maintaining friendship
4. gathering of all support system
5. unbelievable flirting
6. virtual romance
7. rekindling friendship with the great love
8. career change
9. new faces
10. travel

2011's First:

1. First International trip
2. First Plane trip alone
3. First long-term virtual relationship
4. First No Boylet of the Month
5. First time a guy wrote me a poem. :)
6. First 6hr bus ride alone
7. First birthday alone
8. First time I've seen myself with husband and daughter to be. OHA.
9. First time I've seen such an unbelievable evilness in a person. 
10. First time i thought of my health. hehe :p

All the the things that transpired in my 2011 are all preparations for my sweet 2012. I'm claiming it to be a year of love and stability for me. ♥ I don't know how and when it will happen, but i have this strong feeling that it will be. My career will go a long way too together with the slowly bouncing back of the family's business concerns. 

This year, friendship with the truest people in my life will remain and will grow stronger. Newly-met people will be cherished. Unnecessary people will be get ridden of.

This year will also open the hearts of the people I've wronged to forgive me. I will leave all the baggage and with all purity welcome 2012. Yes, it's an overflowing positivism on my part. I know this time around, the universe will let me see the sunshine. :)

Happy Twenty12. May the force be with us! :)

To God be All the Glory!


2 komento:

  1. Interesting: Two Side of the Coin:

    either you predicted that something would be a miserable flop when it was obviously destined for success, or you have predicted that something would REALLY TAKE OFF - and it DIDN'T.

  2. you're right. i would appreciate if you won't hide. tell me who you are. :)
