Huwebes, Marso 15, 2012

Follow Your Heart

Nothing's new.

It has always been my heart that leads me to whatever path I should take. I know my heart is right this time as it wants nothing but freedom. Free from uncertainties and illusions; from deceit and defeat.

The one year battle is now over. I know I have fought well but I guess this battle is not for me to win. Or maybe this is not the right battle I should be in, or the sad truth that I was the only one playing and fighting.

Nevertheless, I am happy. At least the end signals a new beginning, a new playing field, a new game to win. No more cuts, wounds, unrecognized strikes, and definitely silent applause from the crowd.

The next battle will sure be grand as I will bounce back higher and better. This time, I will be the prize to be won over, not anymore the player who always strives harder.

And yes, believe it or not, all this and more came from my heart. :)

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