How It All Started
♫ It started over coffee, we started out as friends;
It's funny how from simple things; the best things begin...♪
♫ I call you and you call me
It's funny how we get on so easily
We're just friends aren't we
You've got yours, I've got mine
And friends are all we ever could be ♫
With the above lyrics, you can already tell how our story started. He came into my life just when I told myself I will never ever look for love again, instead I will let love find its way to me. The first meeting was not in any way special; it never occurred to me that months after, we'll fall in love with each other and be officially together.
With no effort at all, he made me want to be with him all the time, he made me want to always hold him, he made me want to always long for him. Things were not easy at first but with time's grace, the Lord paved the way for relationship to prosper.
With him, I felt that I'm back into walking the right path again. That's something no one has ever done in a long time. He made me see the light I badly needed in my life.
Things He Does For Me
I'm a typical girl: gets thrilled with surprises, feels giddy whenever pampered and praised, needs a lot of attention and understanding, and becomes a monster every month.
And Beej knows for sure how to be everything I want and need.
1. He picks me up and drives me home every time we'll go out. He calls me and sends me SMS and chat messages all the time. He tells me his whereabouts. He feeds me whether I'm hungry or not. He always tells me I'm beautiful even though I know I'm not. He hugs and kisses me even without asking him to. He feels bad when I get mad.
2. He surprised me big time when he went straight to my home in Batangas and introduced himself to my mom. All by himself. Nobody in my existence has ever done that to me. And I don't think any other guy can. I found myself wanting to just hug him tightly when I saw the car parked outside our house and eventually saw him comfortably talking to my mom.
3. He made my mom talk non-stop about how glad she is for what he did. After a long time, I felt I have finally made my mom happy by bringing home someone like him. Its an automatic million pogi plus points to him.
4. He made himself liked and loved by my friends. Not every guy can do that, but he easily won my circle's hearts. He once surprised me with 7 milk teas delivered for me and my office friends. I realized its very important for my friends to love him as well.
5. He puts notes, chocolates, coffee (like the Kopiko 3 in 1 placed inside a Starbucks paper bag), etc. He gives me hugs and kisses during my 15 minute breaks. He walks going to my building just to see me for a few minutes. He holds my hands while walking, driving, etc.
6. He lets me take pictures of us anytime anywhere. He lets me do my thing and supports me all the way. He lets me wear whatever clothes I want to wear.
7. He teaches me things I am not aware of. He patiently explains things that are not easy for me to comprehend. He listens to my every explanation and story.
8. He makes me laugh all the time. With his wit, sensibility, and humor, I know I won't get tired of talking to him 24/7.
9. He makes me behave without mandating me to do so. He trusts me and speaks nothing about my past. He makes me thank the wrong turns I had because if not for those, all of this won't be possible.
10. He makes me love him more every single day. I think that's enough to cover everything. :)
"This is just the first of the many many months and years we'll be spending together. Now I know the reason why God made me wait for a long time; He only wants the best man for me. My journey getting to you was not easy, I had to make wrong turns, experience rough roads, and I even got lost in the middle of nowhere. But seeing you, holding your hands, and feeling your love make everything worth it. You are the light at the end of my tunnel, you are the E that completes my life. I love you.
Thank you for making my every day extra special and for always making me feel beautiful despite all dramas I have. I may not be the perfect
girl but I'm sure He prepared me to be all that you need and all you will ever want.
I love you so much. Nothing and no one can ever change that."
Too much sharing, I know; that's the content of my monthsary email for him. Pardon my cheeziness, its been a while since I last celebrated monthly anniversaries with someone. :)
Its a dinner and coffee date night, after his shift and before mine. He surprised me with a bouquet of roses while we were inside the mall. I felt the redness all over me. It was a mix of happiness, giddiness, shock, and a little bit of shyness on my part while walking with the beautiful flowers in my hand.
Not Perfect But Real
We both came from two different worlds. I never imagined myself going in any toycon event nor attending any cosplay whatever. I never thought I would get attracted to a guy who wears costumes, attends geek meetings, joins geek groups etc. I am pretty sure he never imagined himself dating a girl who knows nothing about his favorites. I can only name a few of our similarities: we move a lot, we talk a lot, we cry a lot. We laugh on small things. We appreciate the simplest of things. We love chicken. That's all. Yeah, I think that's all. It's something refreshing.
Its not even close to perfect and never will I expect it to be. I don't need a perfect man nor a perfect relationship. All I need is someone real, someone who will make me understand why it never worked with anyone else in the past. Whatever the Lord wants for us, I will wholeheartedly follow. This won't be easy but I know, as He says, its gonna be worth it.
Beej is not perfect. He has shortcomings. He's too emotional and too sensitive. But I don't mind having to deal with all of those, if that means to be with him for a long time. I myself is not perfect; I have terrible mood swings, I don't read a lot nor watch sci-fi, and a whole lot more. But he assured me of a future together.
I can only pray. I am lifting everything to Him. One thing's for sure, He has given me a very wonderful gift and that is Beejay.=)
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