genuinely happy for who? what the hell are the screenshots for? sincerest apology? or just saving your ass? you always want to shout to the world you are one of the victims, pretending you don't intend to do things. BRAVO! you may have brainwashed everybody with your tale but you cannot twist the whole story, karma is on your way.
i know i shoudn't involve myself regarding your past situations because i am not even your close friend, but i feel like it would help everybody.
first, if you are truly sorry for what happened regardless if you intend to do things or not the best thing you can do is stay quiet, do not say anything, and do not comment if you hear feedbacks from other people concerning the situation, you don't owe everyone an explanation unless your real motive is to save yourself from the blame and defend your ego. i am not really sure how many times you've been on an affair like that but i am confident that you are smart enough to know if a guy is in a relationship or not, and you knowing a guy is on an understanding with somebody else, you should back yourself off from him no matter what, but since you didn't you were responsible for what happened and you have a fair share of the wrongdoing so none of you has the right to clear your names from the mess. you know why guys equate us (girls) to temptation? because we absolutely are, it is our forte which corresponds to guys are in nature weak in terms of girls. when we want to be attractive that means we want to draw someone's attention to us. we bring out the best on us because we like to be the limelight to get somebody's focus, and when we finally get the chance to talk to that guy, we open serious stuff of life, either we pretend to talk about our predicaments to get him comfort us or we act to be interested to listen to his own dilemmas to get him feel that we care and we are there, in short we give him hints that he can have us if he wants to. we know doing these things has a very potential way to get your connection with that guy deeper. admit it. you know to yourself if you're being friendly or you are trying to seduce a guy.
second, if you are genuinely happy for a couple who got separated because of you however manage to get back together, hold youself from spreading alibis of why the other girl was chosen and end all your proofs for it won't prove anything otherwise you are just trying to get revenge and persuade everybody that you certainly won the game. remember to consider you started the fight when you began flirting with somebody's partner and you allowed yourself to be on that situation knowing the risk of getting hurt and getting the other girl mad, so you don't have any valid reason at all to get even, you have done enough to hurt the other girl. i am definite you would get mad not only to your guy but also with the girl who will try to get your man's attention.
lastly, a guy will always choose you no matter what if he without a doubt wants to be with you forever, no if's no but's he can always settle things for you, but the moment he has reason not to be with you it means his promise of forever is not for you.
don't stress yourself of proving your worth to everyone including yourself because of the past, it's done. for them to let go of the past you also have to leave it behind, react no more until the story dies, you started it end it. you have your real happiness now, let them be happy too, give them their peace of mind rather than adding misery on their lives, give them the chance to rebuild their happiness, they deserve it too as much as you deserve it.
genuinely happy for who? what the hell are the screenshots for?
TumugonBurahinsincerest apology? or just saving your ass?
you always want to shout to the world you are one of the victims, pretending you don't intend to do things.
you may have brainwashed everybody with your tale but you cannot twist the whole story, karma is on your way.
WhAt the hell is your problem? Why can't you just say who you are and stop nagging behind anonymity. Jing, is that you? Cmon lets talk.
TumugonBurahinfriendly advise
TumugonBurahini know i shoudn't involve myself regarding your past situations because i am not even your close friend, but i feel like it would help everybody.
first, if you are truly sorry for what happened regardless if you intend to do things or not the best thing you can do is stay quiet, do not say anything, and do not comment if you hear feedbacks from other people concerning the situation, you don't owe everyone an explanation unless your real motive is to save yourself from the blame and defend your ego.
i am not really sure how many times you've been on an affair like that but i am confident that you are smart enough to know if a guy is in a relationship or not, and you knowing a guy is on an understanding with somebody else, you should back yourself off from him no matter what, but since you didn't you were responsible for what happened and you have a fair share of the wrongdoing so none of you has the right to clear your names from the mess.
you know why guys equate us (girls) to temptation? because we absolutely are, it is our forte which corresponds to guys are in nature weak in terms of girls. when we want to be attractive that means we want to draw someone's attention to us. we bring out the best on us because we like to be the limelight to get somebody's focus, and when we finally get the chance to talk to that guy, we open serious stuff of life, either we pretend to talk about our predicaments to get him comfort us or we act to be interested to listen to his own dilemmas to get him feel that we care and we are there, in short we give him hints that he can have us if he wants to. we know doing these things has a very potential way to get your connection with that guy deeper.
admit it. you know to yourself if you're being friendly or you are trying to seduce a guy.
second, if you are genuinely happy for a couple who got separated because of you however manage to get back together, hold youself from spreading alibis of why the other girl was chosen and end all your proofs for it won't prove anything otherwise you are just trying to get revenge and persuade everybody that you certainly won the game.
remember to consider you started the fight when you began flirting with somebody's partner and you allowed yourself to be on that situation knowing the risk of getting hurt and getting the other girl mad, so you don't have any valid reason at all to get even, you have done enough to hurt the other girl.
i am definite you would get mad not only to your guy but also with the girl who will try to get your man's attention.
lastly, a guy will always choose you no matter what if he without a doubt wants to be with you forever, no if's no but's he can always settle things for you, but the moment he has reason not to be with you it means his promise of forever is not for you.
don't stress yourself of proving your worth to everyone including yourself because of the past, it's done. for them to let go of the past you also have to leave it behind, react no more until the story dies, you started it end it.
you have your real happiness now, let them be happy too, give them their peace of mind rather than adding misery on their lives, give them the chance to rebuild their happiness, they deserve it too as much as you deserve it.
i didn't mean to blog on your own website :p